Friday, April 20, 2012

Reflections on being 21

Ladies and Gentleman, I am pleased to announce that this week I finally made it to 21. This week I have been reflecting quite a bit about where I am in life vs. where I thought I would be. When I was just a young naive 18 yr. old (in comparison to the older and wiser adult I am now!) I truly and honestly believed I wouldn't be "one of those" girls who goes down to BYU and gets married. I had big plans for myself: I was going to major in public relations and finish as quickly as possible so that when I turned 21 I could turn in my mission papers. I never thought I would be celebrating my one year anniversary with my husband? I didn't foresee my time off of school, nor did I think I would be finishing my sophomore year at BYU still "open major". I would have laughed if you told me I would choose a career with Victoria Secret (just so you all know how ironic this is growing up my dad used to tell me I was a pirates treasure: because I had a sunken chest...) and I would never have dreamed of being in a financial position in which I could afford to buy a home.  It's funny that even though my life is so far from where I thought I would be, I am still so happy. Life took me to where I needed to be whether I was ready for it or not! Well enough of all this mushy gushy stuff, let me tell you about my birthday!

Thanks to some sacrificing from my friends at work I didn't have to work on my birthday! (quite the luxury!) So I started the day with a relaxing bubble bath, scented with my lavender Doterra oils (still trying to figure out all the fun ways to use them!) after that I got busy! We had cleaning checks the next day so I had to scrub our apt. down from top to bottom! Its amazing how relaxing cleaning can actually be! I received lots of love from family and friends through out the day so Thank you Thank you! When Garrett came home we went to our house (well technically its not our house yet but I like to think it is...) for the inspection. Every thing went well and we got a lot of good information about being homeowners. It sounds like a lot more work then I originally thought! After we finished up G took me out to dinner at one of our favorite places: Tucanos! We ate until we thought we were going to POP! In case you haven't eaten at Tucanos before it is quite the experience! Its brazilian style BBQ every thing is exotic and delicious. Waiters come to you with skewers of meat or pineapple and you eat until you can't eat anymore! When we were done we went to our best friends/ cousins house. Lauren had made me a delicious birthday cake and they gave me beautiful flowers. We went to Grants championship soccer game (which he won) and played some Disney Scene-it (My birthday present from G, my husband knows me too well!) All in all it was a wonderful birthday, much different then most of the world celebrates the big 21 but it was exactly perfect for me! Well I'm off to Cozumel for the next week so stay tuned for some wonderful stories and pictures!

Dinner at Tucanos
Lauren's gourmet birthday cake!

Birthday suprise from my little sister!

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