Saturday, September 24, 2011

Girls Night In!!

Last night I had a much needed girls-night-in with my old roommates! We made Navajo tacos, laughed, talked, ate chocolate mousse for dessert, laughed some more and had a great night!! Now that half of us are married it means we don't get to see each other as often as we would like. It was really refreshing to know that we can just pick up right where we left off, like no time has passed.

This was the first day we met each other. We went to the
bookstore and bought ice cream! Who could of guessed
a really great friendship was being  born?

Dressing up for a ward activity.
Dressing up a little differently for church.
At my reception. Friends for the rest
of my life.
I've always heard I was going to make friends that would last forever in college. I hope these girls are my friends forever! They helped me learn how to grow up, laugh hard, and try again after I make mistakes. So Emily, Cortney, and Hope: Thanks for all the memories looking forward to making many more!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

O'Briens at the Fair

Yesterday was the two year anniversary of my first date with G. September 17th, 2009 was when the magic happened. It was a great date. He took me to the State Fair (after a trial run with his cousins the day before) We rode some carnival-type rides, (where G almost threw up!) walked around holding hands looking at all the exhibits and ended the night with a romantic ride on the Ferris wheel. It was one of the best first dates I have ever been on. We never ran out of things to talk about, and he was a perfect gentleman. Look how happy we were:

Our first date: Utah State Fair
Yesterday G and I relived our first date with an awesome day at the state fair. I got a giant scone the size of my head, we walked around holding hands and never running out of things to talk about. It was a lot of fun to walk around and reminisce about everything that has happened since our last trip to the fair. My favorite part of the fair was looking at all the livestock. Even though the animals were kind of smelly it was still fun to see them up close. G commented that the litter of piglets sleep just like the Regis kids do: all snuggled up in a tight knot. The sheep were hilarious to watch butt heads and stick out their tongues when they "bah". And we saw a 2460 lb. steer named Cedar. When Cedar stands up his shoulders are 5'11"! Thats three inches taller then me!

The giant steer!

Still in love after two years!

We had so much fun reliving our first date!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Down Low.

 So here's the DL. Being married is Awesome! Its so much fun. No doubt getting married to G was the best decision of my entire life, BUT there are a few things that you don't know about being married that you have to learn the hard way. So if you are thinking about getting married or would ever consider being married. please listen to my words, these are some things people don't tell you comes with the marriage package. Here's the stuff G had to learn the hard way:
  • Girls shed. Lots. Thus meaning cleaning out our shower drain should be done more frequently then you realize.
  • If I think G is doing the dishes, and G thinks I am doing the dishes. The dishes don't get done. And we get a stack a mile high with bowls that have blue yogurt in it... that was at one time milk... gross
  • Sometimes girls cry. Sorry. Its nothing you did, there is nothing you can do to help, just play with my hair and wait for it to pass.
  • I know I start getting ready for church an hour before you do, but you will still be done first and have to wait for me by the door.
  • There is a much bigger budget under "shopping" then you were expecting... sorry :)
  • Vegetables are no longer an option.
  • If I cant sleep at night... neither can G. Cause I wanna stay up talking!
  • When G wakes up early the next morning for work... he better be quiet because I didn't get much sleep the night before
  • G has to learn to do what I meant not what I said.  
  • Sometimes a girl just needs to try on her wedding dress to make sure it still fits.
  • You can never have enough blankets to snuggle under.
  • Your side of the bed is my side of the bed. I like to snuggle.
  • Killing spiders was in your job description. Check the fine print.
  • I know I say I want us to do more stuff together.. but I didn't mean join a fantasy football team with you... I meant you need to do MY stuff with me.
  • Even though I have one closet, two dressers and multiple items that live on our floor.... I still feel like I don't have anything to wear. VS. your half a closet that keeps you happy for years.
I read this to G, we both got a good laugh over these! As cliche as some of them are, they are true. This is what makes marriage so much fun. We have little things that make us laugh and keep things fresh. I love G, because even though some of these things could potentially be very annoying, G puts up with them lovingly. So if you are thinking about getting married, don't forget that people don't tell you about all the "fun stuff" of marriage, they just let you figure it out all by yourself!